Give the gift of a D23 Membership

I am a charter Gold member of D23, the Official Disney Fan Club and I do enjoy my membership.  I have attended all three of the D23 Expos and other events offered by them.  If you are wondering what to get… Continue Reading


Mean Muggin’ Monday

Today’s mug comes from the movie The Lone Ranger.  This movie will be released on my birthday (July 3rd) and I plan on seeing it that day. Since we can not resist Johnny Depp here he is as Tonto.  The mug can… Continue Reading


Mean Muggin’ Monday

Today’s mug  is showing my school spirit for Monsters University.  I guess this mug was made for a monstrous appetite that needs huge quantities of caffeine to study.  I purchased the mug at the Disney Store.  It is also available at DisneyStore.com and retails for… Continue Reading


Fabulous Find Friday

Today’s fabulous find comes from the Disney Store.  It is a Disney Princess Tiara Haircomb.  I will be wearing this today at Disney’s Princess Half Marathon Expo.  It is only fitting that a Princess represent like royalty.  The haircomb retails… Continue Reading


Fabulous Find Friday

Today’s fabulous find was given to my nephew for Valentine’s Day.  It is ”It’s a Small World” Book – I Love You! I first saw this book while browsing DisneyStore.com.  The book tells how “I Love You” is said in different… Continue Reading


Mean Muggin’ Monday

I love Oswald the Lucky Rabbit merchandise.  When I saw this mug on Disneystore.com, I knew I had to have it.  It is part of the Disney Store’s Cartoon Classics Mug Collection.  The mug retails for $12.50.   If you would… Continue Reading


Mean Muggin’ Monday

Today’s guest mug is from Sara M. (@DisneySara  & @MickensMouse).  She stated “this is my Movie Moments Fantasia mug purchase on DisneyStore.com. It’s one of my favorite because I love Sorcerer Mickey. It retails for $10.50 but is currently on sale … Continue Reading